Monthly Archives
in September 2015
Installing India – Phase 1
It's been two months since we've moved back to India. And life has been very different. (I've heard that's what happens when you move across the globe).
Start with routine things like, taking a shower. In the US that meant: taking a shower. Here, things get a little more complicated!
Let's take this evening, for instance. The kids needed to ...
When Opposites Say, “I Do”
As the husband and I celebrate our tenth anniversary, I doled out wise words (ahem) on marriage on indiaanya.com.
The hubbers and I are as different as they come. Not like apples-and-oranges different, or even Mars-and-Venus different . . . More like, he’s from Mars and I’m an apple (well, more of a pear when it comes ...
Don’t focus on the Potatoes and Potholes
So we wanted to get here.
After selling our house and our cars at the perfect point in time. After getting our US citizenship and all our crazy complicated Indian paperwork sorted. But before the school year started. With admission in the school we chose although they'd closed admissions for the year. While living in an apartment ...