
Keeping it Real.
That’s the tagline of this website. Because we’re done with fake and filtered. Because we’re tired of curated and cherry-picked. Because we crave honest, vulnerable conversations that we can relate to.
Here on my internet home, I keep it real with authentic stories from my life and interpret my experiences through the lens of God’s Word. I hope my words resonate with you and encourage you in your journey of becoming who God created you to be.


I love words. When a sentence that I write sparkles, it spikes my adrenalin. But more than just the beauty of words strung together to make bedazzling sentences, I love the power of words in people’s lives. Read More…


Hey Mama

  Hey Mama, Bent over the kitchen counter, Distractedly eating leftovers. Yes you, With the ragged PJs The greasy hair and yesterday's eyeliner. Here’s something you should know: God sees ...