Monthly Archives
in March 2017
5 Simple Ways to Connect with Your Husband
Not too long ago my husband and I attended a marriage conference. Well, to be more precise, some bribing and coercion may have been involved in getting the hubbers there. He was concerned that the sessions would involve us sharing feelings and divulging deep thoughts. (I have no idea why that would scare a man ...
The Mom Challenge – 1 Corinthians 13
1 Corinthians 13 - A Mom's Version. If only I could love like this...
If I’m well-spoken and can deliver sermons without breaking a sweat, but I don’t have love, it’s all just cacophony, like rhythm time for toddlers.
If I hold multiple diplomas and degrees, and if I have a faith that makes people go, “Whoa, ...
6 Reasons Why India Rocks
You know those artsy stores that sell recycled products? Like a comfortable chair from an old tyre or a gorgeous lamp stand from a discarded pot? Well, this month, I’m taking a page from their book and recycling an old blog post. For a very good reason.
I’d written the post below when I lived in ...
40 Percent of America’s Food Is Thrown Away. That’s a Stewardship Problem
When I first came to America as a brand-new immigrant, one of the things that amazed me was the abundance and perfection of produce in grocery stores. From sunshiny bananas to ruby red tomatoes, I saw flawless displays of Garden-of-Eden-variety produce. The other grocery store marvel was just how much people packed into their shopping ...