Monthly Archives
in March 2018
Why It’s Important for Parents to Mess Up—& Our Kids Need to See It, Too
We had a free afternoon and the kids decided it was time for a board game. A board game where one of the participants would be yours truly. A board game where I needed to be guilted into playing, because, hey, I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m not exactly a Monopoly-and-Headbands type ...
From the Inside Out: Changing Body Image To Fit Our True Identity
Every morning, I step on the weighing scale in my bathroom. Usually, I’m disappointed: the scale is supremely stubborn. It refuses to budge. On other days, I feel a sense of achievement: I’m 500 gms lighter and my self-confidence soars. I want to belt out some Mariah Cary, “And then a hero comes along, with ...