Monthly Archives

in August 2019

Don’t Ignore The Nudges

Five. That’s the number of articles I wrote that were rejected by DesiringGod. They were very nice about it – their rejection emails were always encouraging, and thoughtfully accurate. Despite their kind words, turns out I’m not a big fan of rejection (surprise, surprise). Each time I would say to myself, “Okay, this is the last ...

Vacations Don’t Have to Be Vacations From God

If there’s one thing that goes out the window during vacations, it’s routine. Close on its heels would be any pretense at calorie control. (Having recently emerged from a love affair with BBQ ribs on a trip to Texas, I have personally vetted this claim. But that’s a topic for a different article, if I can get ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…