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in January 2020
Holocaust Remembrance Reminds Us To Act
January 27th is commemorated as Holocaust Remembrance Day. This post - which first appeared on Relevant Magazine's site - is in honor of that time in history which we can never afford to forget.
When I get to Dachau (pronounced Dak-ow), the temperature is a frigid 32 degrees Fahrenheit. I grab my camera, map and ...
Parenting Prayers for the New Year
Browsing through some of the posts I’ve cobbled together over the last few years and I came across one called “Parenting Prayers for the New Year.” It was the 2015 edition. Since then so much has changed.
At that point, Sonny Boy didn’t know how to tie his shoelaces. He’s almost 12 now – he knows ...
Four Things I’ve Learnt In (The First Year Of) My 40’s
When you read the title of this post you’re likely to think I’m some wizened old lady with lots of wisdom to dole out. I’ll ask you to hold those thoughts because I still feel like I’m growing up. As far as my faith goes, I’m a work in progress (and sometimes one in regression) ...
My Word For 2020
Having lived in the astoundingly scenic Pacific Northwest for ten years, I’ve hiked breath-taking trails, filled my lungs the cleanest of air and been spoiled by lusciously beautiful surroundings.
I remember when as newlyweds we rented a dinky paddle boat and picnicked in the middle of Oregon’s Mirror Lake. With the snow-capped Mount Hood and evergreens ...