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in March 2020
A Prayer in the Midst of Powerlessness
I’ve been grappling about what to share during this time when the world as we know it seems to be collapsing.
If there’s one thing that this virus has revealed to us it’s our absolute powerlessness. Yes, we wash our hands for 20 seconds and disinfect every surface and sanitize our surroundings. But, ultimately, the ...
When “What If?” Compels You To Act
If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God’s love? It disappears. And you made it disappear. 1 John 3: 17 (The Message Bible)
Taking off my Crocs, I stand at the entrance of the two-room ...
Life Lessons from a Desolate Dress
There’s a dress hanging in my closet. It’s a beautiful brick-orange maxi dress in a soft fabric that swishes about when I walk. It’s not stuffily formal. Nor is it informal. It’s one of those outfits you can “dress up” with the right jewelry – you know what I’m talking about, ladies. It would work ...