Monthly Archives
in April 2021
When Your Kids Call You Out
If there’s anyone who “tells it like it is” it’s our kids.
They don't mince words when they speak. They don’t sugarcoat things so it sounds politically correct or palatable. They don’t hide behind nice-isms and platitudes.
And, often, their honest words are exactly what we need to hear.
Let’s take a sample of some of the comments ...
Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty (YouVersion Devotional)
None of us are immune from life's "What if's?"
And the last year of the pandemic has only served as a highlight reel of how uncertain our lives can be.
As I write this, my Whatsapp groups are inundated with messages about vaccines and viruses, with concern for loved ones and how to access care packages. India ...
Facing Rejection? You’re In Excellent Company
Setting out the yellow signboard that said, ‘Wet Floor,’ I sloshed my mop between the tables of the café.
Only one table was occupied. A group of about six or seven sat around it sharing bags of chips and bursts of conversation.
I knew all of them. They were my classmates from my graduate program in journalism ...
God Carries You, Mama! (+ Free Phone Wallpaper)
Hey friends,
As a slightly (ahem) "older" mom, I figured I should share some nuggets of truth with the mama who is just starting her journey of parenting. Not that I have it all figured out. I don't. Not by a long shot.
But I do know one thing about this parenting gig—I need God in the ...
Not Just A Sunday School Lesson
You know one of the topics we don’t talk about too often in our churches?
Our relationship with our parents when we’re adults.
Somehow, we’ve decided that it’s a topic relevant only for Sunday School/ Children’s Church—but not really beyond that.
Maybe we feel like we’ve outgrown it. Maybe we’ve dismissed it because it dredges up painful memories ...