Monthly Archives
in May 2021
Three Words That Could Be Hindering Your Faith Walk
Couple days ago I read an article on The Gospel Coalition where the author published a speech he shared with a graduating class of High School seniors. In the article, he says:
“Of all the decisions you’ll face this year, the most important one may be whether you get up and go to church on the ...
“Get up and call on your God”
If there’s a Sunday School story etched in our collective memories, it’s the one about Jonah and the big fish. Maybe the David and Goliath incident and Noah’s Ark are close contenders, but these three narratives take home the prize for most beloved children’s church stories of all time.
You may remember the events that unfold ...
Motherhood: It’s All Grace
Hi friends,
I haven't posted for a while as the situation in India with Covid cases spiraling out of control has taken center stage in my mind and heart.
It’s been an overwhelming few weeks for all of us who live here. Covid is no longer a headline or an obscure statistic. It’s affecting our friends and ...