Monthly Archives
in August 2021
Does What You’re Doing Really Count?
This last week didn’t quite go exactly as planned.
I’m guessing that’s happened to you too in the recent past.
You plan to stay on schedule. But the only thing that sticks to its guns is a blasted headache that ruins your day.
You plan to work out and get outdoors more. But the only thing that takes ...
Location, Location, Location – The Real Estate Deal That Truly Matters
The other day a friend drove me to her brand-new house.
You know what they say in the real-estate business — the mantra when it comes to choosing a house is “location, location, location.”
Well, her new house had a reasonably good location with a sorta nice view, you know, nothing too fancy — JUST A GOLF ...
Good Moms Yell Too?
Here’s a dark and somewhat dirty secret . . .
Moms yell.
We do
It’s not something we talk about often.
It’s not something we choose to display on social media.
It’s not something we want on our parenting resumes.
It remains tucked away because there’s shame attached to it. After all, other moms don’t raise their voices and completely lose it with ...
‘Am’ Is All That Matters – Why ‘The Chosen’ Speaks To Us
At the end of every show in the series The Chosen, my 11-year-old daughter asks with incredulity: “What?! It’s done already? Can we watch another one? Pleeeaseeee!”
While my husband and I are pretty particular about limited screen time, we’ve indulged her every now and then. (There could, ahem, be the "possibility" that we allowed “another one” because ...