Monthly Archives
in September 2021
“I’ll Feel Better About Myself If…”
For close to two months now, I’ve been working out super consistently, at least five times a week and sometimes, twice a day. (I know, crazy! Who is this person?)
I actually do things that the productivity coaches tell us to do. Like, set out my gym clothes the night before, so the first thing I ...
Is Platform Becoming a Pitfall?
Social media — We love it. We hate it. We love to hate it. We lament over what it has done to our minds, our time, our habits.
But, for this period in history, it’s intrinsically woven into many of our lives.
Never before have regular folks had such ubiquitous opportunities to build platforms where we can ...
Are We Finding Our Own “Fixes”?
A few years ago, the hubbers and I celebrated our tenth anniversary with a trip to Sri Lanka. The package included a stay at a hotel on the beach, two buffet meals at the in-house restaurant, and a car with a driver who doubled as our tour guide for the duration of our stay there ...
The Surprising Answer to Approval Addiction
I found myself doing something embarrassingly strange a few days ago.
I was browsing through a fitness website that had a video on the landing page of people participating in a 10K. In the video, one of the runners, a lady, looked up at the camera, smiled, and waved.
Here’s the weird bit: I smiled and waved ...