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in March 2022
This Truth Steadies Us Through Transitions
Over the last 20 years, change has woven itself into the fabric of my life sometimes seamlessly and, at other times, in big, ugly clumps.
From when I graduated college till now, I’ve moved cities seven times (That includes addresses on two continents). While that may sound like I seek out adventure, in reality, I like ...
Mama, Can We Be ‘Slow To Anger’?
You’ve heard of art museums and natural history museums. But, here’s something you likely haven’t come across before: The Relieve Stress Museum.
(If you’re over a certain age, you’re wondering, “What in the world will they think of next?!”)
Located in Shanghai, China, the museum is fitted with what they call “boom rooms” where people deal with ...
When The “Little Things” Don’t Feel So Little
Ever feel like it’s the little things that add up and press down on you like a big boulder?
I’m talking about the stuff that doesn’t make the headlines. Scratch that. It’s the stuff that doesn’t even make the “prayer requests” section of your home group or your church bulletin. The seemingly inconsequential, easily dismissed, just-plow-through-it ...
Creating A Safe Space For Vulnerability
Here’s a riddle for you.
What’s one thing people are really great at giving but prefer not to receive?
I’ll give you a moment to think about it… ding, ding, ding. That was the buzzer going off.
Well, you can congratulate yourself — there are possibly several right answers to that question. But I was thinking of one ...
Journeying with Jesus – A Lent Devotional
As I write this post in the last week of February, Russia has invaded Ukraine. Just this morning, the first reports of tanks rolling into Ukraine hit my screen.
It feels surreal — how could this be happening, we ask ourselves. It feels heavy — a weight settles on our hearts when we see the brave ...