Monthly Archives
in August 2022
Biblical Keys To Eating Healthy
“Why bother?”
That’s the point I’m (almost) at when it comes to trying to eat healthy and taking care of my body.
Why bother saying, "No, thank you" to that piece of chocolate cake?
Why bother skipping that slice of pizza?
Why bother trying not to eat after dinner?
Nothing's working. The scale stays stuck. The cellulite remains supremely ...
A Letter To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday
Hey baby girl,
Yeah, I know you’re not a baby anymore, but this growing-up thing is pretty overwhelming for me as your mama. I know it is for you too. But you’re handling it with more grace and maturity than I ever could.
Thank you for being my second-born, my only girl, my couture consultant, my mini-me ...
Why Focussing On Sin Is Not The Answer
Here’s a 'popular' topic to delve into. One that is sure to win me some views and possibly go viral. A subject that won't ever make people roll their eyes. A discussion that folks typically consider deeply relevant to their lives.
The topic that we’re jumping into? That would be: sin.
Forgive me for the tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. ...
Hospitality Is Different Than What We Might Think
Here’s a topic we don’t typically get around to at church: Jesus enjoyed food. We catch glimpses of it all through the gospel narratives.
When only one small picnic lunch was available to feed a multitude, He didn’t send the people away to fend for themselves. Instead, He multiplied it and fed a crowd of 5000 ...