Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

Majestic and Mindful

Why did I choose an uninspiring picture of reading glasses to start this blog post?

Because this pair of boring black frames played a prominent role in a little drama that unfolded in the desert. Perhaps we’ll call this drama, “Lost in Arabia” or “Swallowed by the Sands” or a title that carries similar gravitas.

Last week, while we were vacationing in the UAE, like all good tourists, the hubby decided to donate a considerable portion of our savings to riding a four-wheeler through a sweltering desert.

When he got back to the car, he had a contented smile on his face – a smile that was soon replaced by a quizzical: Where are my glasses?

A brief investigation of the pictures on our phones revealed that the glasses were firmly (ahem) attached to his T-shirt collar before he headed out to test gravity. Mystery solved: Along with our life savings, the reading glasses had been sacrificed to the desert.

Finding a pair of glasses in the sand dunes of Arabia is considerably less probable than a needle-in-a-haystack scenario. Not to mention that there were about 50 other adrenaline-pumped quad racers in the same area. Even if, by some minuscule chance, we did locate the missing black frames, they would, in all likelihood, be relegated to the graveyard of glasses.

But the hubby decided to make a go of it. He prayed a quick little prayer and went to ask one of the ATV rental employees a rather laughable question: Did you happen to see a tiny pair of reading glasses in the endless sands of this glorious desert? The guy, however, didn’t laugh. He instead took off in his ATV – and came back in five minutes with a pair of glasses in his hands. Unscathed and intact.

The incident wasn’t life-altering. It wasn’t a miracle, by some definitions of the miraculous. Hey, it’s probably not even blog-worthy.

But I can’t help but share how the Magnificent Creator of the undulating sand dunes is also the Marvelous Listener who hears and answers the feeble and foolish and outlandish and plain ridiculous cries of His children.

No, He doesn’t always say yes. But it doesn’t discount the fact that our God is mindful of where we are and what we need – and what we don’t need.

While we stood like little dots in the dunes that stretched into the horizon, one verse popped into mind:

How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139: 17-18

You may have heard this before, but lean in and listen again. Listen with your heart and let the Word hold you: His thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand.

With countless grains of sand under my feet and the incident of the glasses stored in my heart, the verse took on a realness to it like never before.

Whatever you may be going through this season of your life, He knows about it. He thinks about it. He thinks about you.

He is a God who takes our breath away with the magnificent and who refreshes our faith with the seemingly minuscule. When we open our eyes to the glory of creation and to the ordinary miracles of today, we see Him – the majestic God who is mindful of our every need.

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  • I saw this post today because Rajiv Chelladurai shared it on Facebook. It was a great encouragement to me and my wife. We are just finishing up radiation treatments with our 3 year old son at St Jude Children’s Hospital. Your story reminded me of my own experiences when God has answered the seemingly insignificant prayers but was showing me how close He is and how much He loves. Those moments become part of the foundation of faith you need when you go through the darkest storms of life. Thanks for writing and thanks to Rajiv for sharing! God bless!

    • Susan Narjala

      Thank you for stopping by and writing this note, Josh. I can’t imagine the journey that you guys must be walking through. I do hope that the small moments will reinforce my faith for the dark storms. I’ll be praying for your little guy. (I’m not sure if you’ve read Rajiv’s book, “Fearless in Battle.” If you haven’t, it may be something that will help you and your wife through this storm). Many blessing and prayers, Susan

  • Made my day post Susan! What a majestic yet infinitely loving God we serve and abide in. Thank you for reminding me of that.

    • Susan Narjala

      Thanks for letting me know, Neena. Yes, He is infinitely loving. I love that phrasing!

  • Susan your writing is incredible! Always insightful and always inspiring.

  • Thank you for reminding us of this important lesson Su. Shom

    • Susan Narjala

      Thanks, Shom! It’s something we need to remind ourselves of again and again, especially as the world makes us lose our footing.

  • Thank you Sue for this article! It made me feel God’s love to me and brought tears to my eyes because He is indeed such a caring compassionate loving Father!

  • Carol Tweed Claflin

    I love your posts! Is that what they’re called? I am almost 73 yrs old and am only now learning how to use these new fangled devices after a divorce after a 32 yr marriage, a concussion, 2 brain stem strokes, God’s mighty blessings, lots of ongoing rehabilitation. Am part of a local Life Church. Oh I forgot to list the broken L hip in the list above. But am constantly amazed by Gods faithfulness and goodness!

    • Susan Narjala

      Thank you so much, Carol! (Yes, they’re called posts. I think! :)). I’m so inspired by your “even if” faith. The joy you have in Christ is amazing!

  • Peg Bussell

    Thank you Susan! Great encouragement!!! God is so Good! I see his love and care for me and the boys daily! (His thoughts towards you and me outnumber the grains of sand.) We are so loved! I will hold onto this thought and verse.
    Thank you Susan!
    Love, Peg

    • Susan Narjala

      Thanks for letting me know, Peg. Sometimes, I wonder if writing these thoughts matter. Thank you for letting me know they do. I am praying for you!


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