Susan Narjala
Keeping it Real

What Are You Wearing?
In the late 19th century, two nuns from Belgium set sail for India. They landed on the shores of the coastal hamlet of Mulagumoodu in the south of the country. The two Catholic missionaries had traveled across the world to care for the orphan girls in the little town. But they also taught the girls at the orphanage how to weave intricate lace with cotton threads and bobbins (tiny spools), a craft famous in the town of Bruges in Belgium.
About one century later, circa 1979, a baby girl was christened at a church in the south Indian city of Madras in a delicate dress made of Bruges lace.
Yes, that baby was none other than yours truly.
The christening dress had been custom-created for our family. It was first worn by my older sister for her christening and then passed on to me. Despite my legendary track record for spills and messes, I’m happy to report the beautiful white christening lace has remained undamaged for close to fifty years.
When I had my daughter fourteen years ago, my mom passed the family heirloom to me so she could wear it. But by then, christenings had given way to less formal baby dedications at our church. The dress featured instead as my baby girl’s first Halloween outfit, where she hands down won the best-dressed angel award thanks to being draped in handmade lace.
I don’t have many keepsakes from my childhood, thanks to several moves across cities. But I’m glad I’ve kept the exquisite lace dress. (Also, from some online research, it turns out that exquisite lace equals expensive lace.)
But as I thought about the lace christening dress, I was reminded of a far more valuable “outfit” that I possess. In the book of Galatians, the apostle Paul reminds us: “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3: 27)
Paul, in this verse, uses an analogy that his audience (the church in Galatia) would have been familiar with: In Roman society, a young person coming of age laid aside the robe of childhood and put on a new toga. This symbolized the transition to adult citizenship with full rights and responsibilities. Paul was impressing on the Galatian Christians that they needed to set aside the “old clothes” of the law and put on the new robe of Christ’s righteousness.
As much as I love my beautiful lace christening dress, it just doesn’t fit me anymore. It is not meant to! As a believer, I am called to discard my old ways and walk in the newness of my identity as a child of God.
Friends, in an age when we are constantly bombarded about how to dress and where influencers tell us what trends to follow, may we remind ourselves that we are covered in Christ’s righteousness. `
I hope my christening dress doesn’t disintegrate over the next few decades and that I can pass it on to my daughter when she becomes a mom. But more than the dress, I would love for my future generations to be clothed with Christ. The robes of righteousness and garments of salvation He gives us are far more exquisite than handmade lace. The clothes He covers us with don’t wear out. They aren’t just exquisite—they are eternal.
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This blog first appeared on Indiaanya
Elvera Farmer-Henderson
Hey Susan, what a beautiful story and the subsequent analogy. We have the same type of baptism dress in our family, made from the satin of my mother’s wedding dress. It’s a real piece of art. An heirloom. I just want to ask the following: I am South African, living in Cape Town, and we don’t celebrate Halloween. It’s a typical American celebration, however, it has spread to our shores too. We were taught it is demonic (because of its roots) in nature yet it seems that you celebrate it. Since I don’t celebrate it, what is your stance on it? Innocent fun or is it by nature demonic? Please let me know. Thanks
Susan Narjala
Oh,I love that we share the tradition of the baptism dress.How sweet that it was made from the satin of your mother’s dress. About Halloween, we lived in the US when the kids were little, and it was celebrated as simply a holiday that most people participated in. We would often dress up in costumes and go to the Harvest party at our church that same evening. I guess that, for our family, it was a “no big deal” type of evening. We gave candy to kids at our door and took the kids to friend’s houses for safe and tame toddler parties. But I definitely do not like or endorse spooky stuff or celebrating evil, which this day can often devolve into. The history of the festival doesn’t bother me. I guess it depends on the attitude of our hearts and whether we might be condoning evil by our actions. Hope that makes sense. God bless. Thanks for your question and your humility in asking it. Blessings, Susan
I love all your weekly sharing; how relatable and transparent you are in applying life to God’s word. This one in particular really touched me how in this topsy turvey world such simple things and memories can align us back into balance in Christ.
Thank you.
Susan Narjala
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Linda. That’s so true – God often uses the simple things to remind us of profound truths. Blessings, Susan