Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

Crushing Discontentment—A 6-Day Devotional

It’s always just around the corner.

The breakthrough. The answer. The thing that will satisfy you.

Your fingertips brush against it—it almost feels tangible. But it’s just out of your grasp.

We all have those “if onlys” in our lives that we reach for for. When I was younger, I thought:

“If only I could be part of that group, I would be happy”

“If only I could study at that university, I would have it made.”

“If only he liked me back, I would be thrilled.”

“If only he asked me to marry him, I wouldn’t have anything else to ask for.”

Many of those things happened. Some of those desires got checked off. But the “if onlys” didn’t stop.

“If only I became a mom… If only we bought a house… If only we bought a bigger house… If only I got this job… If only I got this better job…If only I lost weight… If only my kids went to this schoo… If only we lived in that neighborhood…”

Friends, we all have needs, wants, dreams, and expectations. But if we are constantly grasping, we will always be discontent.

Jesus came to give life—both eternal life and abundant life. How can we find satisfaction and contentment in the life He has for us right now? How can we experience that abundant life?

In my 6-day devotional, Crushing Discontentment, we’ll look at a few causes of discontentment and how we can deal with that sense of dissatisfaction in our lives.

You can find the 6-day Bible Plan, Crushing Disappointment, on the YouVersion Bible app. Here’s a link for easy access.

If you prefer to download a soft copy onto your device, I’ve created a PDF of the devotional that you can download here.

Together, let’s learn how to counter discontentment with the Word of God. Let’s discover the secret of being content no matter what our circumstances.

Looking forward to doing this Bible Plan together.


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