Susan Narjala
Keeping it Real

Are You Ready For The Rest Of The Year?
We’re at the halfway point of 2023. If you’re like me, you’re wondering, “How in the world did the year zip by so quickly??!” It seems like the days and weeks have colluded to whiz past us, leaving us in a tizzy.
But before we start the second half of the year, can we just catch our breath for a minute?
For what is probably the first time in my writing life, I’m employing a sports analogy to get us thinking. We’re actually going to be talking football. More specifically, American football (rather than soccer). Quick confession: I’m as excited about football as a child is about Brussels sprouts. If I happen to make any faux pas (faux “passes”??), kindly cut me some slack.
But even sports non-enthusiasts like me know that during football games, there is a point called halftime. Thanks to the Superbowl, everyone knows that halftime is about the most-viewed ads, the what-just-happened wardrobe malfunctions, and eyebrow-raising “dance” performances.
But what happens in those few minutes when the players retreat to their locker rooms?
As we approach 2023’s halftime, let’s take a peek into football to help us move forward with purpose into the rest of the year.
A little online research shows there are three basic things football players do during halftime:
1. Recover their breath
I don’t know what the first six months of your year have been like. But I’m guessing your days have been a lot like puff pastry—you bite into layers and layers of stress and leave a mess of crumbs as you do.
But, like football players taking a break, can we use this halfway point to just recover our breath?
The Bible reminds us to “Be still and know that [He is] God.” Of course that doesn’t mean we cease from all activity. But it serves as a potent reminder that we are not in control.
My husband works a high-stress job and he often responds to me with this refrain, “I’ll just finish this and be there in a second.” Under my breath, I go, “Yeah, right!” Out loud I say, “Babe, you’re never going to “finish this,” so just take a break.”
Work never seems to get done. The demands on us are unending. But use this halfway halt to remind yourself to breathe because you’re not in control. Your Heavenly Father is. And He’s got this.
2. Reflect on the game
After the first part of the game wraps up, players (evidently) use the fifteen or so minutes during halftime to reflect on their performance.
As those who want to please God, perhaps this is a good rhythm to follow. Reflect on the last six months—not to beat ourselves up and try harder, and neither to gloat about our achievements and then sit back, but to stand with open arms before our God and ask Him to transform us.
The Psalmist David says in Psalm 139
“Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.”
Reflecting on the “game” is not a performance appraisal. It is holding bare our lives before a good God that we may receive conviction, correction, and counsel and slowly be conformed to the image of His Son.
3. Receive instructions
After catching their breath and reflecting on the game, the players talk shop with their coach and manager. As every feel-good Disney sports movie ever made shows you, the manager comes into the locker room to give the players a pep talk (backed by stirring instrumental music, of course) and to make any changes in tactics or strategies. He readies the players for the next half of the game. (You know the storyline: if the hero is on the bench, this is when he is reinstated on the team and makes the nail-biting touchdown that wins the game.)
As we step into the second half of the year, may we ready ourselves with encouragement and instructions from the Word. Without Scripture as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, the road ahead is impossibly dark to navigate. God wants to speak into our lives and He is waiting for us to receive His Word with open hearts.
Unlike football coaches (or the ones portrayed by Hollywood), God doesn’t bark orders at us. He doesn’t swap us out with substitute players because we are not “good enough” for the game. Instead, He who started a good work in us is faithful to bring it to completion.
So, friend, as you approach the second half of 2023, I encourage you to gear up. Not with ridiculously large shoulder pads, oversized helmets, and shiny tights. We’ll leave that to the professionals. May we gear up by being still before God, by laying bare our lives before Him, and by allowing His Word to encourage and guide us.
Your Head Coach watches over you every second, He comes alongside you, and He cheers you on. And no matter how quickly your year whizzes by, He’s got this. And He’s got you.
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Shirley Thomas
Thank you Susan for that timely , and good advice … It is sound counsel at this stage in the year…and in my life !!
Love n blessings
Aunty Shirley.
Susan Narjala
Thank you for the encouragement, aunty. I am blessed that you found this useful. Warmly, Susan