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in Faith

Rid Me of Myself – Devotional 1

With exactly a month to go before Easter, we have a few short devotionals on the theme of following in the footsteps of Jesus even as He poured out His life for us.   Have you ever had someone interrupt a heartfelt conversation? Maybe you were venting about how unimaginably terrible your boss was or how your ...

When You’re Feeling “Shut In”

Five years ago, Covid-19 brought the world to a halt. As I scrolled through articles marking its fifth anniversary, I was reminded of the devastation the virus wreaked. One of the hardest things we experienced as humanity was being “shut in.” We were all forced to be contained in our little bubbles. It’s sometimes hard to ...

As Lent Begins + 40-Day Devotional

As Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem on the back of a colt, crowds of people waved palm branches and lined His path with their coats. They welcomed Him as their King, their Messiah, and their Deliverer. The people of Israel pinned their hopes on Jesus. He had just raised His friend Lazarus from the dead after four ...

The Power of Showing Up

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” That is the typical, well-intentioned text I send someone walking through a challenging season. I’ve typed those words out dozens of times. I actually mean them. I really do want to help when a friend or acquaintance is overwhelmed by all that life’s throwing at them. I’ve received those ...

Does This Mindset Distance You From God?

You don’t need to scroll social media for long before you hear this message on loop: “You deserve it.” Buy this irrationally expensive purse (that costs as much as a downpayment on a house) because you deserve it. Indulge in this decadent dessert (that you'll need to work off the rest of the week) because you deserve ...

What’s Your Default?

Ask my kids where they typically find me, and they’ll likely say, on the recliner couch in our family room. They would be right. (That comfy leather recliner is hands down one of the best purchases we’ve made.) Ask them what they’ll find me doing and they’ll probably say, scrolling on my phone (on the ...

The Three R’s of Parenting

You’ve probably heard of the three R’s of education: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Those three pillars form the foundation of academics for any student. But what about the three R’s which form the fundamentals of parenting? As a mama of two teens, I don’t claim to share these three R’s from a place of having “nailed ...

A Day in the Life of a People-Pleasing, Over-Anxious, Always-Hurried, Caffeine-Fuelled Work-In-Progress

“Guys, are you ready to leave?” “Guys??” “GUYSSS!!” A bored, disengaged response bounces back from my teens upstairs. “Why are you yelling? We already said we’re ready.” I’m pacing in my high heels, clickety-clacking on the marble floor. My heart is beating faster than it should. My hair is pulled into a messy morning ponytail. But  I plan to tame the ...

When Creating is Difficult

Here's something fairly ironic: I'm at a writer's retreat, but didn't manage to write my post last evening. I guess that's what happens when you talk about writing rather than, well, write. But the retreat was everything I needed for a soul refresher to create content that glorifies God. And I did get some writing ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…