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in Family
Christmas: The Divine Disruption Part 2
This Christmas, we’re doing a three-part series called “Christmas: The Divine Disruption.”
What is Christmas really about? Yes, we celebrate the birth of the new-born King. But what is the true significance of His birth?
Last week, we dived into Part 1 of the series with the principle: Christmas is God intervening in our story of rebellion.
Today ...
Finding Purpose in the “Whatever”
I walk into the bedroom and am greeted by an unmade bed. I’ve just returned from dropping the kids off at school, after giving them breakfast and packing the husband’s lunch dabba.
I take a deep breath, swallow my irritation, and proceed to make the bed.
Inside my head, though, a monologue begins: “365 times. That’s how many ...
Here’s Your Strategy for Tests
Exam season is upon us. When we first moved back to India from the US, I was faintly amused, perhaps even perplexed, by the panic that moms experienced over their kids’ exams. They stopped going out. They cut TV shows out of their lives. They shared prayer requests about their kids’ tests at church. They ...
Marriage Ain’t About You
A couple of days ago, my husband and I celebrated our 19th anniversary in a rather “special” way. I use inverted commas around the word ‘special’ to convey semi-sarcasm.
We’ve always done something special (no inverted commas) for our anniversary. Even when the kids were screeching, red-faced hatchlings, thanks to indulgent grandparents offering to babysit, we ...
A Legacy of Selfless Joy
Funerals are always sorrowful and deeply sobering. But when it’s the funeral of a 21-year-old girl who bravely battled cancer, radiating joy through every painful moment, it’s not just heart-wrenching, it’s also life-transforming.
Jenita is the daughter of my husband’s cousin, Rajiv. Or, more accurately, as Rajiv said at her funeral, he is “Jenita’s dad.” We ...
To My Fellow Mamas Of Teenagers
We’re in the thick of it. The thick of what, you ask? Raising teens, that’s what. The husband and I are the proud parents of a 16-year-old boy and an almost 15-year-old girl. So, as I said, we’re in the middle of those supposedly rebellious, angsty, door-slamming, defiant, hell-raising teen years.
But here’s what we’ve been discovering: the ...
5 Lessons From 50 Years Of Love
With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, it seems like a good time to talk about love.
But what makes it an even better time—actually, no, the perfect time—is the story of two people who exchanged wedding rings on Valentine’s Day fifty years ago. And what makes it even more special is that I happen ...
Advent Devotional 2023
It has been several years since I wrote my last Advent devotional. I remember writing that Bible plan as a challenge to myself. Could I keep the focus on Christ and manage to write 25 devotionals for Christmas? It was one of those God-sized goals—but it wasn't to show the world that I had "nailed" ...
What Are You Wearing?
In the late 19th century, two nuns from Belgium set sail for India. They landed on the shores of the coastal hamlet of Mulagumoodu in the south of the country. The two Catholic missionaries had traveled across the world to care for the orphan girls in the little town. But they also taught the girls at ...