Susan Narjala
Keeping it Real

Here’s Your Strategy for Tests
Exam season is upon us. When we first moved back to India from the US, I was faintly amused, perhaps even perplexed, by the panic that moms experienced over their kids’ exams. They stopped going out. They cut TV shows out of their lives. They shared prayer requests about their kids’ tests at church. They forgot how to smile.
Ten years later, I have become that mom.
My kids just took their PSATs and the very next day mid-terms started. They have their heads in their books. And they have their mom’s voice in their ear saying, “When are you going to study? Have you finished studying? How long is your break? Have you done your practice papers? Shouldn’t you be studying?!” I may or may not turn into a bit of a Tiger mom during exam season.
But here’s simple logic: if they need to do well on the test, they need to prepare well for the test.
The same holds true in our spiritual lives. We are often told that when tests come our way, we need to stand on the Word. But how exactly do we do that? How do we prep?
Thankfully, we have examples from the Word to show us. Actually, we have the Very Best Example from the Word. Yes, Jesus Himself knew Scripture and quoted Scripture. Nope, He was not modeling how to be a Bible Thumper, but how to live the Word when those tests, trials, and temptations come our way.
In Matthew 4, we read how Jesus, after He was baptized, was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for 40 days. Being fully man, He was hungry and tired. And, yet, being fully God, He remained sinless while He battled the enemy in that desert.
Satan first approached Jesus with the test of turning stone into bread.
Jesus, the Word, answered from the Word: “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’
I won’t go into the details of the next two temptations (please do read Matthew 4), but on each occasion, Jesus responded to Satan’s taunts with: “It is written…”
Friend, Jesus shows us exactly how it’s done. He didn’t have to say, “Hold up! Let me just open my Bible app and search for “tests and temptations.” Oh wait, the Wifi in the wilderness is weak.” Nope. He knew Scripture, He meditated on it, and He responded to tests with it. He was well-prepared.
We have the same privilege and responsibility today.
The enemy will try to knock us down. But we have the opportunity to stand on the inspired, inerrant, infallible, indispensable Word of God. We ought to read it, repeat it to ourselves till it sinks into our hearts, rehearse it during trials, and respond to the enemy’s threats and tests with it.
When the Accuser taunts you with, “You might as well give up because you’ve failed again,” may we respond with the Word, “It is written: In all things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us and gave Himself up for us.”
When he sniggers, “You are absolutely alone in this and no one can help you,” may we respond with the Word, “It is written: Never will I leave you nor will I forsake you.”
When the enemy makes you feel ugly and unaccomplished and hisses that, “You will never match up to the beauty and talent in the world—you’re a nobody,” may we respond with the Word, “It is written: I’m fearfully and wonderfully made and that I am a child of God.”
I don’t know what particular half-truth the enemy has professionally packaged and sold to you at a premium. But measure it against the plumbline of God’s Word. And respond with, “It is written..” God’s Word is “alive and active”—it has the power to work in our hearts and in our hands to slay the enemy’s lies.
Exam season is upon the believer throughout the year. If you’re walking with God, chances are you’re being tested right now. May we listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice like a gentle, wise, loving Tiger mom in our ear saying: read, study, practice. Unlike the Tiger mom, He goes into battle with us. He fights the battle for us. But we have the responsibility of standing on the Word. We can’t wait for the last minute. We can’t afford to ignore it. Friend, if you’re breathing, then you’re in battle. We need to be battle-ready.
Culture may suggest that you respond to trials in your own strength. But the battle is often against unseen forces of darkness. So let’s suit up with the full armor of God and take our stand against the enemy’s schemes. Satan’s strategies are no match for the Sword of the Spirit.
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Loved connecting with you in fellowship and prayer yesterday and loved reading your introduction! Praying God continues to use you in amazing ways .
The scripture that has got my mind engaged these days in a crazed world is Revelation 3:18 .. I counsel you to buy from ME gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich;
Susan Narjala
It was lovely meeting you, too, Susan. Love that word. Thanks for sharing! – Susan 🙂
This is inspiration to integrate Biblical truths in ulfilling daily enddeavours
Susan Narjala
Thank you 🙂