Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

“Keep Your Courage…”

Remember that rhyme, “Row, row, row your boat”? Evidently, we can sail ever so “gently down the stream” because after all “life is but a dream.”
I’m not sure who penned that rhyme or what kind of “happy” state of mind they were in when they wrote it, but turns out that life is anything but a dream and the stream is anything but gentle.
In Scripture, we read about some unbelievably fierce storms that tossed boats in raging waters like they were little toys made of cheap plastic. In the book of Acts, as Paul and a bunch of prisoners were being transported by ship to Rome, they encountered a hurricane of epic proportions. The sailors plunged into panic. They threw the cargo overboard. They passed ropes under the ship to hold it together. The storm raged on for days on end. The text goes on to say, “When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging we finally gave up all hope of being saved.” (Acts 27: 20).
It’s interesting to note that Luke, who wrote the book of Acts, uses the pronoun “we” when speaking of being disheartened. It wasn’t just the Roman soldiers or the other prisoners who were wrapped up in discouragement. Luke, too, experienced a deep sense of hopelessness. This Christian man who had accompanied Paul on some of his missionary journeys admits that, after all their efforts, they “finally gave up all hope.”
Maybe you too feel like there’s no hope left.
You’ve given it your all. You’ve tried your best. You’ve thrown out the “cargo” of unproductive habits. You’ve tried to hold your ship together with ropes of hard work, discipline, and sweat. You’ve tried everything you can to keep things afloat, but cracks keep appearing. The darkness doesn’t dissipate. Endless night skies envelop you and you feel hopeless.
But God had promised Paul that He would spare Paul’s life, along with the lives of all 275 of those aboard the ship with him. Here’s what Paul says to his fellow shipmates, “Keep your courage… for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.” (Acts 27: 26).
Friend, maybe those are God’s words to you today: Keep your courage.
Keep your courage—not because you’re a strong person, but because you’re weak and depend on a strong God.
Keep your courage—not because you will make things happen, but because God keeps His Word.
Keep your courage—not because you know exactly how things will pan out, but because God is sovereign and He is in control of every single force that threatens to topple the boat.
Recently, I have been floundering—not in my faith but in my passion to do what God has called me to do. I too have let discouragement dictate my thoughts. I’ve lost sight of the vision to press on and take hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of me
But today, I lean into God’s words to keep my courage because He is faithful to His promises.
Coming back to the shipwreck story, it has all the makings of a Hollywood movie because everything that could go wrong went wrong. Even when daylight shone and the sailors could see land, they were not out of the woods (or the water). The ship was too battered and broken to make it to land. Finally, the passengers had to swim ashore or climb on wreckage to make it out of the water.
But they make it to safety. Not because of their courage. Not because of the sound structure of the ship. Not because of the prowess of the sailors. But because of a sovereign God who keeps His promises.
As we sail through raging storms and relentless darkness, may we speak Paul’s words to our own hearts: Keep your courage.

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  • Worthy Words (September 1) | Jana Carlson


  • Shirley Thomas

    Thanks Susan…. have caught up after a very long time…. but your word in season… rather His Word thru you, has proved a blessing once more… Thank you Susan… The Lord bless n continue to use you for His purposes…Blessings..

  • I love this. Thank you! God bless!
    Praying for you & your family.

    • Susan Narjala

      Thank you for the encouragement, Sara. You have been such a loyal reader. Really appreciate it. Blessings, Susan


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