Susan Narjala
Keeping it Real

Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty (YouVersion Devotional)
None of us are immune from life’s “What if’s?”
And the last year of the pandemic has only served as a highlight reel of how uncertain our lives can be.
As I write this, my Whatsapp groups are inundated with messages about vaccines and viruses, with concern for loved ones and how to access care packages. India is now being slammed by the furious and seemingly uncontrolled second wave of the pandemic — and there are simply no guarantees.
Just a few days ago, a friend of my parents passed away from the virus. The news devastated hundreds as many held him in high regard as a man of God. He was a wonderful husband and a devoted dad. Along with his obituary was a picture of him from social media standing by a Happy New Year 2021 sign. He had captioned his photograph (that he had posted on Facebook earlier this year) with these words: “We do not know the future. But we know Who holds the future.”
Friends, those are true words. It reminds me of the words of a song I may have shared with you before:
I know who holds the future, And I know He holds my hand;
With God things don’t just happen, everything by Him is planned.
So as I face tomorrow with its problems large and small,
I’ll trust the God of miracles, give to Him my all!
Today, I’d like to share my newest devotional on the Bible App/ YouVersion which centers around this same theme.
Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty.
When I wrote this devotional last month for YouVersion, the situation we faced in terms of the pandemic didn’t seem dire. But, personally, I was awaiting some medical reports and didn’t know what lay around the corner for us. In the midst of the fog I found myself in, I needed to hold on to the truth of God’s Word. And I wrote this devotional almost as a ministry to myself!
Today, as I publish this, our medical situation, by the grace of God, is no longer daunting, but the pandemic is wreaking havoc across India.
Uncertainty. It weaves itself through all our lives.
No, this 5-day Bible Plan doesn’t have all the answers. And it won’t magically bring resolution to the situation you find yourself in.
But I do hope that as you read through the stories of these real-life Bible characters and dwell on the Word of God, you’ll know that you’re not alone.
I hope that you’ll know that the Sovereign, loving, kind, all-knowing God walks with you—every single step of the way.
I hope that through these short messages you will know that a sea of uncertainty may rage in different seasons of our lives, but God tells the waves how far they can go.
I hope that through these prayers you will sense God’s embrace and allow Him to hold you in His perfect peace.
Click on the link and join me in my 5-day Bible Plan on YouVersion/ The Bible App – Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty. You can also download a pdf version of the devotional here.
Edit (Apr 21 2021): The pdf originally had a typo on Day 2 (I’ve mistakenly said David instead of Joseph in one sentence). That has been corrected now.
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Nancy Burgess
Hi Susan
I discovered you through your new You Version devotional and want you to know how much it was God-given to me. I am going through a financial crises and it’s been going on since October of last year. I am 69 years old, partially disabled at 28 and living with chronic pain and complications from back surgery ever since. I was pot out of our mother’s home by a toxic former step-sister in December and due to my limited income and physical limitations I have been bouncing around without a home ever since. I am currently living in a small camper until I am set up in an apartment in a senior living building. I am fighting exactly what your plan addresses…waiting for God to turn this to good. Lol. I have been a Christian since age 5, so I know He is in control and with me at all times, but I seek the peace, reassurance, guidance and love every morning through The Word. I really want to thank you and I will be using your website as well. God bless you Susan.
Susan Narjala
Hi Nancy, Thank you for getting in touch and for sharing a little bit of your story with me. I can’t imagine what it might feel like to have gone through all the struggles you have – but I’m so thankful you know the Lord and you know that He is always with you. I pray everything works out with your accommodation real soon. So happy that God used the words of the devotional to encourage you. Blessings, Susan
Carolyn A Costanza
Praying for you and your family during this pandemic you are facing. God be with you through it all!! Thanks for your words of encouracement.
Susan Narjala
Thank you, dear Carolyn! We would love your prayers! – Susan