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in anxiety

What If You Trusted God Like This?

The wind blew back my hair as I plunged down the waterfall. It was a steep drop, plummeting down thousands of feet. In that quick moment, I caught sight of a flash of purple— a flock of birds flew past me. Just when I thought I was done for, I swooped back up and glided ...

How Do I Overcome Anxiety? Part 4 of 4

Earlier this week, one of my heroes of the faith, Tim Keller, went home to be with Jesus. As I write this post about anxiety to wrap up our four-part series on the topic, it is only befitting to quote this man who fought the good fight with grace and wisdom. Here is one of Dr. Keller's ...

How Do I Overcome Anxiety? Part 3 of 4

In last week's installment of the four-part series on anxiety, we talked about getting rid of the "I." Today, we're going to shift our perspective away from us. The University of California at Berkley conducted a study where some of the subjects were shown pictures of awe-inspiring, magnificent things like the Grand Canyon or the Taj Mahal. ...

How Do I Overcome Anxiety? Part 2 of 4

Quick question. Don't think too long before you answer this. If you wanted help with a particular problem, where would you first go? I’ll admit: for me, it’s Google. (Yeah, I know, the right answer is "God" but I am working on that. Or, more specifically, He's working on me on that!) Back in the day, if ...

How Do I Overcome Anxiety – Part 1 of 4

We had a few friends over for dinner the other day. Admittedly, we are privileged to call some of them “friends” because they are considerably cooler—and younger—than my husband and me. Given that we had a somewhat captive audience we decided to bore them with old pictures of ourselves. As my hubbers showed them pictures ...

A Christmas Lesson From A Coffee Shop

The Toffee Crunch Mocha Latte called my name. I deliberated over the other options. The americano with a splash of milk. Way fewer calories. The cappuccino with a foamy heart. Way more sensible. The south Indian filter coffee. Way more familiar. But the Toffee Crunch Mocha Latte was just more… holiday-y. This is the season to indulge, they say. So ...

“Do Not Be Anxious…” But How???

How many times have you shown up embarrassingly early to someone’s birthday party? For me, the answer to that one would be: Er, too many to count. I’ve waited in parking lots and entryways to party halls more times than I care to remember. I’ve helped friends haul armfuls of decorations and cakes with way too much ...

These 7 Lessons Can Steer You Through Transitions

Here’s something immigrants do. They immigrate. (What can I say, except that I’m clearly brilliant with definitions??) As far as the US goes, the ‘American Dream' draws many of us to its shores. It’s the dream of owning your own home with a white picket fence where you can raise your kidlings who will eventually go ...

Do Not Be Anxious? But How??? (Free E-book)

This may be TMI, but recently I found that my hair was falling like crazy. You could literally trace my path through my house because I left a trail behind me like a dystopic Gretel (The one with the breadcrumb trail from the rather disturbing fairytale). My bathroom floor, pillows, the kitchen counter, and every ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…