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in anxiety

When You Feel Like You’re Not In Control

“What in the world am I doing on this thing?” That single thought seized me as I found myself suspended from what was essentially a swing on steroids, 40 feet above the ground. The “thing” was actually called “The Giant Swing” and it was one of the activities at an adventure park we visited over the weekend. Not ...

The (Surprising) Thing To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

Chances are, you have a lot on your plate at the moment. Scratch that. Chances are, you don’t just have one plate with stuff on it, but so many that you could possibly open a crockery store. (Anyone think they have enough inventory to start a Corelle franchise with me?) Chances are, most of us are overwhelmed by ...

Living In The In-Between of Holy Saturday

The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter has always felt somewhat nondescript to me. We do nothing much in particular. I probably spend most of my time in the kitchen prepping resurrection rolls (a tradition at our house) and baking lemon meringue pies (a recent but here-to-stay dessert for Easter lunch). Holy Saturday hasn’t felt especially ...

Mama, Can We Be ‘Slow To Anger’?

You’ve heard of art museums and natural history museums. But, here’s something you likely haven’t come across before: The Relieve Stress Museum. (If you’re over a certain age, you’re wondering, “What in the world will they think of next?!”) Located in Shanghai, China, the museum is fitted with what they call “boom rooms” where people deal with ...

When You’re Distracted In Prayer

It was a remarkably perfect start to my morning. My coffee was strong and my workout was on point. My kids were (finally) in school after Omicron. And I was set to spend uninterrupted time with God. No offspring bounding in with complaints of boredom, no chores that needed my immediate attention. Even the notoriously ...

Cry Out In A Crisis

We're slowly emerging from a harrowing season. About a month ago, as part of a volunteer helpline, I heard people weep on the phone as they scrambled for hospital beds for their loved ones who fought for their lives. I remember the voices of some of them. A woman wailing—her mom had died and her sister ...

Finding Rest In A Busy World

There’s no getting around the fact that we live in an always-spinning world. We yearn for quietness in our souls – but, often, that deep rest seems out of our reach. Or is it? In the next few days, let’s spend a few minutes peeking into the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany. Two ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…