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An Important Reminder This Thanksgiving + Advent Devotional

As I spoke to my bestie on the phone the other day, she said to me, “I’m already getting nervous just thinking about the season coming up.” Her worry sprang from an already bursting-at-the-seams schedule that was only going to get more cluttered during the holidays. I don’t think she’s alone in stressing about the Christmas ...

Crushing Discontentment—A 6-Day Devotional

It's always just around the corner. The breakthrough. The answer. The thing that will satisfy you. Your fingertips brush against it—it almost feels tangible. But it's just out of your grasp. We all have those "if onlys" in our lives that we reach for for. When I was younger, I thought: "If only I could be part of that ...

Perfect Love Holds Us Through It All

“Sometimes God allows what He hates to accomplish what He loves.” Those compelling words were shared by a woman who plummeted to the depths of suffering. Yet she did not allow the waves of pain to drown her. Instead, she chose to let God lift her from the bottom of that sea of despair. Joni Eareckson Tada ...

How Do I Overcome Anxiety? Part 3 of 4

In last week's installment of the four-part series on anxiety, we talked about getting rid of the "I." Today, we're going to shift our perspective away from us. The University of California at Berkley conducted a study where some of the subjects were shown pictures of awe-inspiring, magnificent things like the Grand Canyon or the Taj Mahal. ...

How Jesus Upends The Routine Narrative

As someone who is a teensy bit too active on Instagram (Okay, fine, "active" could be a euphemism for "addicted"), I follow accounts that offer tips on how to grow one’s platform. The gurus behind these accounts give their followers the inside scoop on cracking the nebulous algorithm, the ideal frequency for one’s posts, trending ...

The Time For Revival Is Now

As the world turns the spotlight on the revival taking place at Asbury University, I too am excited. If you happen to have missed the news, on February 8th students of Asbury University in Kentucky gathered for their Wednesday chapel service. But instead of filing out at the end of the service, the students lingered on ...

What Does It Mean To “Pray in Faith”?

For the last few weeks, I have been somewhat anxious. Several things took up space (rent-free, I might add) in my mind. Worry woke me up at odd hours in the night, as I considered outcomes and outputs to certain questions. As I write this post, the answer to several of those questions is still, ...

Be Someone’s “Insurance Agent”

A few days ago, our friends from church who now live in another town met with an automobile accident. By God’s grace, their injuries were minimal but the wife was admitted to a hospital close to our home. When we visited Sarah (name changed) at the hospital, I was surprised to see another acquaintance, a quiet ...

A Christmas “Activity” You Won’t Want To Miss

Women are getting angrier. At least that’s what a recent poll reveals. An annual survey by Gallup suggests that women, on average worldwide, have been getting angrier over the past 10 years. In 2012 both genders reported anger and stress at similar levels. But more recently, it was found that women were angrier—by six percentage points. The ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…