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in Bible

These 7 Lessons Can Steer You Through Transitions

Here’s something immigrants do. They immigrate. (What can I say, except that I’m clearly brilliant with definitions??) As far as the US goes, the ‘American Dream' draws many of us to its shores. It’s the dream of owning your own home with a white picket fence where you can raise your kidlings who will eventually go ...

Do Not Be Anxious? But How??? (Free E-book)

This may be TMI, but recently I found that my hair was falling like crazy. You could literally trace my path through my house because I left a trail behind me like a dystopic Gretel (The one with the breadcrumb trail from the rather disturbing fairytale). My bathroom floor, pillows, the kitchen counter, and every ...

7 Simple Steps To Start Bible Journaling

As a young teen, I read The Diary of Anne Frank, the well-known compilation of journal entries of a young girl who lived in hiding during the Holocaust. Captivated and inspired by Anne, I began journaling almost as soon as I put down the iconic book. Today, as a mama in her mid-forties, I’ve been journaling for about ...

Hope For When You Feel Stuck

“This is going nowhere.” Have you ever thought those words or voiced them when frustration mounted and you were ready to call it quits? Confession time: I have. Multiple times. I’ve been ready to throw in the towel because it felt like things were stuck, or like I was going in circles, or like I was on a road ...

Let Your SMART Goals Give Way To WISE Ones

We’re six months into 2022, halfway through the year — which means by now we should have checked off half the goals which we charted out at the beginning of the year. You know, written half the book. Run half the marathons. Lost half the weight. Cleaned out half our drawers and closets. Saved half ...

When You Feel Like You’re Not In Control

“What in the world am I doing on this thing?” That single thought seized me as I found myself suspended from what was essentially a swing on steroids, 40 feet above the ground. The “thing” was actually called “The Giant Swing” and it was one of the activities at an adventure park we visited over the weekend. Not ...

The (Surprising) Thing To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

Chances are, you have a lot on your plate at the moment. Scratch that. Chances are, you don’t just have one plate with stuff on it, but so many that you could possibly open a crockery store. (Anyone think they have enough inventory to start a Corelle franchise with me?) Chances are, most of us are overwhelmed by ...

What We Can Learn From Walter

A 100-year-old man recently won the Guinness World Record for working at the same company for an incredible 84 years. In a day and age when people jump jobs quicker than a caffeinated kangaroo, Walter Orthmann has worked for the same textile company in Brazil since when he was 15 years old. Walter, who celebrated his ...

How To Hear God’s Voice Over The Noise Of The World

Remember the game ‘Chinese Whispers’ you likely played at a birthday party when you were a kid? If you’re scanning your memory trying to think back to a few decades ago (like I did), here’s a little reminder of the game: A word or phrase is whispered from one person to another till the final ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…