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in birthday prayer

A Letter To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday

Hey baby girl, Yeah, I know you’re not a baby anymore, but this growing-up thing is pretty overwhelming for me as your mama. I know it is for you too. But you’re handling it with more grace and maturity than I ever could. Thank you for being my second-born, my only girl, my couture consultant, my mini-me ...

A Letter To My Son On His 13th Birthday

Hey kid, It’s HERE! The “dreaded” teen years are upon us. Netflix shows and blog posts warn us nervous mamas that this phase will involve slammed doors, eye rolls, a vapid disinterest in all things family, and words that range from fluent sarcasm to pure venom. But somehow—call me naïve—I don’t think it’s going to play out ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…