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in christian blogger

Do You Feel Like A Stranger Too?

There have been many times when I’ve felt like a stranger living in a foreign country. Oops. Wait. That’s probably because I was, in fact, a stranger living in a foreign country. I remember my very first trip outside of India about 25 years ago. I was headed for grad school in the US. I had never ...

Where Do You Find Your Refreshment?

Checking into a hotel by myself can be a somewhat unnerving experience for me. Having been a stay-at-home mom for almost 16 years, I’ve never really taken business trips alone. And while we’ve stayed at hotels multiple times as a family, solo trips have never really been part of my life. But a few years ago, ...

Do Your New Year Goals Reflect This?

Scroll through social media in the first week of January and you’re likely to be treated to a charcuterie board of every kind of New Year goal and resolution. Here’s a little peek of what’s on my Instagram feed: Workout more. (If you're a woman over 40, they say you should chalk up 10K steps a day ...

Advent Devotional (Week 2): Abiding Peace, Abounding Joy

Thank you for downloading and reading Week 1 of the Advent Devotional. This Sunday, December 10th, we begin Week 2 of the devotional. This coming week (starting Sunday), we focus on two themes - peace and joy. Which of us doesn't want more peace and overflowing joy? If someone's selling it, sign me up! But, of course, we all know ...

Advent Devotional 2023

It has been several years since I wrote my last Advent devotional. I remember writing that Bible plan as a challenge to myself. Could I keep the focus on Christ and manage to write 25 devotionals for Christmas? It was one of those God-sized goals—but it wasn't to show the world that I had "nailed" ...

Don’t Give Thanks For Everything

I don’t know about you, but I may need to get off social media for a few days. This time around my social media “fast” is not to help grow my spiritual life a bit more, but to grow my waistline a bit less.  My Instagram feed is dangerously tempting with pictures of turkeys and pumpkin ...

When You Feel Like Crawling Into A Hole

The other day, I was invited to share from the Word with a small group. They were an unassuming, unthreatening bunch of folk. My material was prepped and ready to go. In fact, I had presented the same content twice before to other groups. Plus, I was speaking from Scripture to a group of Christians, ...

Hey, What Happened To Your Joy?

There was a little song we would belt out at Sunday School back in the 90’s. It went, “I’ve got joy that is down in my heart, Deep, deep down in my heart; J-O-Y that is down in my heart, Deep, deep, down in my heart.” Our decrepit classroom would reverberate with the enthusiasm that only ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…