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in christian blogger

No, This Is Not You

If you know me, you know I’m deeply committed to two of life's essentials: coffee and chocolate. Bring me some good quality dark chocolate and a strong cup o’ joe (sans the swirls, syrups, and sprinkles please) and we can be buddies for life. My home bears evidence of this proclivity (okay, fine, it may be ...

Brave Is…

Brave is Not being unafraid But trying while you tremble; Sometimes, it stands on a stage, In other moments, it journals in silence.   Brave is Risking vulnerability Knowing it might bless someone; Sometimes, it discloses a weakness, In other moments, it shares a gift.   Brave is Revealing your brokenness To Him who enfolds you in His love; Sometimes, it is tears poured out, In other moments, it is hands ...

5 Lessons From 50 Years Of Love

With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, it seems like a good time to talk about love. But what makes it an even better time—actually, no, the perfect time—is the story of two people who exchanged wedding rings on Valentine’s Day fifty years ago. And what makes it even more special is that I happen ...

Your Words Matter. Here’s Why.

My Instagram feed is flooded with fitness videos. The nebulous algorithm has figured out that yours truly wants to get healthy this new year. So, in addition to my regular feed of Christian content, I’m bombarded by reels urging me to “Do These Three Easy Moves To Get Fit in 30 Days.” What they don’t ...

Is Gratitude Really That Important?

Have you ever had one of those mundane, ordinary days when everything is slow and predictable, and then, wham, something hits you out of nowhere? I was going about my day, on schedule with my to-do’s and appointments, when I get a phone call from the nurse at my kids’ school. Every parent knows that’s a call ...

Do You Feel Like A Stranger Too?

There have been many times when I’ve felt like a stranger living in a foreign country. Oops. Wait. That’s probably because I was, in fact, a stranger living in a foreign country. I remember my very first trip outside of India about 25 years ago. I was headed for grad school in the US. I had never ...

Where Do You Find Your Refreshment?

Checking into a hotel by myself can be a somewhat unnerving experience for me. Having been a stay-at-home mom for almost 16 years, I’ve never really taken business trips alone. And while we’ve stayed at hotels multiple times as a family, solo trips have never really been part of my life. But a few years ago, ...

Do Your New Year Goals Reflect This?

Scroll through social media in the first week of January and you’re likely to be treated to a charcuterie board of every kind of New Year goal and resolution. Here’s a little peek of what’s on my Instagram feed: Workout more. (If you're a woman over 40, they say you should chalk up 10K steps a day ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…