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in christian blogger

3 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

Okay, I get it. The absolute last thing you need when you’re overwhelmed is another list telling you what to do. You’re already drowning in an ocean of relentless demands. You would rather not have Christianese slammed at you when all you want to do is curl under the comforter and hibernate for an embarrassingly ...

What Does Stewarding Our Bodies Actually Mean?

Have you ever looked at an old picture of yourself and thought, “Holy guacamole! Why in the world did I think I was heavy back then?” Maybe you didn't specifically mention guacamole and/or any dips. And maybe it wasn’t a comment about your weight. But, I’m guessing many of us have looked at pictures from a ...

The Fellowship Of The Flawed

When we moved back to India from the US eight years ago, finding the right church was high on our priority list. Along with a hunger for God's Word, my husband and I sensed a deep hunger for community. After living abroad for over a decade, we were back home. And we longed for the ...

A Letter To My Husband On Our 18th Anniversary

Dear hubbers, You’re not one for “open” letters—you’re too logical to comprehend why a letter to you would be launched in the public domain. You’re right—there is no reasonable explanation. But humor me this time, would ya? (You’ve had excellent training in that regard for the last 18 years. If I do say so myself.) Since we’re ...

What Is the Christian Response to #Self-Love?

One of my readers sent me an email a few days ago with this question: Hi Susan, There is so much content on self-love and positive affirmations that is circulating on social media these days. How to manifest what you desire, how to love yourself, and how to overcome your limiting beliefs through practicing positive affirmations. As Christians, ...

What’s So Amazing About Guilt?

Guilt has a bad rap. For obvious reasons. It dredges up memories we would rather forget and swirls up emotions we would rather ignore. No one wants to feel guilty. Or, as we like to say, no one wants to go on a “guilt trip.” Guilt “trips” are not fun little vacations. They usually make us want ...

5 Writing Lessons From The Bible

Here’s something I wasn’t exactly expecting when I read my Bible a few days ago: That I would be inspired to hone my craft of writing. But God ministers in unexpected ways. While I have enrolled in multiple writing classes, there’s nothing like the Word to instruct us and lend a depth of meaning to our ...

When The Right Answers Are Not Enough

In the last few weeks, I met several people whose lives speak a story of brokenness. There’s a lady who works at a salon. Her makeup is on point. But her eyes betray her pain. She has left her two daughters with their grandmother in another state in the North East of India to work in ...

You May Be Unqualified, But…

Have you ever walked into a social gathering or work meeting where you’ve felt incredibly intimidated? I know I have. More times than I’d like to admit. I have looked around the room and thought to myself: What in the world am I doing here? Everyone else is dressed as if they stepped off a magazine ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…