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in coronavirus

Let God do the Deep Cleaning

Sweat drips down my forehead. My glasses slide down my nose. Splotch. A bead of sweat is now on my glasses. Uugh. This is so not fun. I wipe my face on my really-should-be-trashed t-shirt and go back to sweeping the floor. I have been at this 43 minutes already. Forty-three minutes of cleaning every nook and ...

A Prayer in the Midst of Powerlessness

I’ve been grappling about what to share during this time when the world as we know it seems to be collapsing. If there’s one thing that this virus has revealed to us it’s our absolute powerlessness. Yes, we wash our hands for 20 seconds and disinfect every surface and sanitize our surroundings. But, ultimately, the ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…