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in desiring god

The Sanctifying Grace of Inefficiency

Not too long ago, I followed some incredibly resourceful, timesaving ways of managing our home. The system was supremely efficient. My grocery list was organized by aisle, so I didn’t redundantly traverse the same path twice. My laundry was tackled like one of those washing-machine commercials where the clothes fold themselves into neat towers. My family’s ...

A Boy, his Rubik’s Cube and a Powerful Reminder

The boy lies sprawled on the couch, home from school with a fever and throat infection. He isn’t asking for screens yet – only because he’s fully immersed in his Rubik’s cube, having recently cracked the “code” for it. He looks at me through tired eyes, determined to explain the algorithm. I nod along, half-listening - ...

Don’t Ignore The Nudges

Five. That’s the number of articles I wrote that were rejected by DesiringGod. They were very nice about it – their rejection emails were always encouraging, and thoughtfully accurate. Despite their kind words, turns out I’m not a big fan of rejection (surprise, surprise). Each time I would say to myself, “Okay, this is the last ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…