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in failure

When You Feel Like Crawling Into A Hole

The other day, I was invited to share from the Word with a small group. They were an unassuming, unthreatening bunch of folk. My material was prepped and ready to go. In fact, I had presented the same content twice before to other groups. Plus, I was speaking from Scripture to a group of Christians, ...

Hope For When You Feel Stuck

“This is going nowhere.” Have you ever thought those words or voiced them when frustration mounted and you were ready to call it quits? Confession time: I have. Multiple times. I’ve been ready to throw in the towel because it felt like things were stuck, or like I was going in circles, or like I was on a road ...

Moms, You Are Not Enough

“Mama, you got this. You are enough.” My heart sank when I read the last lines in an article on a leading website for Christian mothers. My heart sank, because it was my article. The article was intended to encourage moms in the trenches of raising little ones and overwhelmed by trying to do it all. ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…