Tags Archives

in forgiveness

Why “No Regrets” Is An Unhelpful Phrase

Although I was determined not to mindlessly scroll on my phone in the new year, I found myself swiping my screen on Instagram the other day. Thankfully, my pointless perusal turned out to be partly helpful because it became the introduction of this blog! (I know...excuses, excuses, excuses!). While browsing, I came across a Bollywood ...

A Cancelled Vacation Showed Me What Love is Not

As we compared our kids’ school calendar with my husband’s work schedule, one thing became painfully evident: we wouldn’t be able to take a family vacation for the next few months. I could feel irritation (bordering on anger) rise inside me. “Are you absolutely sure you can’t take a break?” I asked my husband, my voice whiny ...

Your Regrets Are Not Irredeemable

Earlier this week, a record played in my ear. A record of my regrets. Some of them were of the ‘silly’ variety. Some were more serious. I regretted that I wasn't more disciplined with my diet before my 25th college reunion this weekend. I regretted that I had yelled at my teenage daughter for “disrespecting” me when ...

You Have Permission For This

There’s a distinct point of time when I snap. I don’t mean that I snap my fingers to a happy chorus. Nope. I mean I snap like a dry twig. You can almost hear the cartoon-like crraaack. My patience runs out. My face contorts. My tone hovers somewhere between irritable and infuriated. My words range from snarky to ...

When You Feel Like Crawling Into A Hole

The other day, I was invited to share from the Word with a small group. They were an unassuming, unthreatening bunch of folk. My material was prepped and ready to go. In fact, I had presented the same content twice before to other groups. Plus, I was speaking from Scripture to a group of Christians, ...

A Letter To My Husband On Our 18th Anniversary

Dear hubbers, You’re not one for “open” letters—you’re too logical to comprehend why a letter to you would be launched in the public domain. You’re right—there is no reasonable explanation. But humor me this time, would ya? (You’ve had excellent training in that regard for the last 18 years. If I do say so myself.) Since we’re ...

How Do I Overcome Anxiety? Part 3 of 4

In last week's installment of the four-part series on anxiety, we talked about getting rid of the "I." Today, we're going to shift our perspective away from us. The University of California at Berkley conducted a study where some of the subjects were shown pictures of awe-inspiring, magnificent things like the Grand Canyon or the Taj Mahal. ...

The Word That May Become Obsolete

It’s a word relegated to courtroom dramas where the jury delivers a verdict. Other than that, it doesn’t bubble up too often in popular culture. It’s considered an ugly word that has no room in our “evolved” modern lives. I’m speaking of the word, “guilt.” In our “no regrets” culture, guilt is a taboo emotion, and is used ...

Get On With The Life God Has For You

Our first year of marriage wasn’t all rainbows and roses. Of course, we were newlyweds in love. But, like many freshly-baked marriages, year one was like a cake with an undercooked, wobbly middle. Back then, though, I hadn’t the faintest clue that your relationship could go from idyllic to irritating in a nanosecond. Or even if ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…