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in grief
Is It Supposed To Make Sense?
My mom called this morning to say that there had been a tragedy in my nephew’s dorm at his university in Indiana. Just a few floors below him, in the very same building, a student had stabbed his roommate to death. The student who committed the crime had called 911 and turned himself in. My ...
A Christmas Prayer For You
As we gather with friends and family for Christmas, I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for reading the words God lays on my heart and for blessing me with your words of encouragement and prayers for my family.
Christmas this year is going to be especially hard for us as ...
When the Holidays are Hard
Did you ever make a wish list for Santa when you were little?
Growing up in south India in the eighties and early nineties meant I most definitely didn’t mail any letters to the North Pole.
In fact, gifts weren’t really a big feature of our Christmas celebration.
And, no, that wasn’t because I was some saintly kid ...
Seven Unhelpful Words When Someone Is Hurting (And What To Say Instead)
No one wants to be unempathetic when a friend is in a painful situation.
Or at least only a handful of Devil-Wears-Prada-type boss people actually set out to be callous about others’ problems. Most of us want to say the right thing to a hurting friend.
But, sometimes, one’s foot does this weird thing and gets stuck ...