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in holidays

Vacations and Worship: Can They Actually Go Together?

Is it just me or do you find it harder to connect with God while on holiday? As someone who thrives on schedules, I enjoy time in the Word during my regular routine. But you know what happens on vacations? Or, more to the point, what doesn’t happen on vacations? Routine. That’s what. Schedules and calendars melt ...

When the Holidays are Hard

Did you ever make a wish list for Santa when you were little? Growing up in south India in the eighties and early nineties meant I most definitely didn’t mail any letters to the North Pole. In fact, gifts weren’t really a big feature of our Christmas celebration. And, no, that wasn’t because I was some saintly kid ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…