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in India
Start With One Small Step
As I look out the window of the living room of my 9th-floor apartment, my heart skips a beat. A little girl, about three or four years old, stands on the 6th floor of a building under construction next door to us. Her mom bends over the cement blocks a couple of feet away from ...
5 Lessons From 50 Years Of Love
With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, it seems like a good time to talk about love.
But what makes it an even better time—actually, no, the perfect time—is the story of two people who exchanged wedding rings on Valentine’s Day fifty years ago. And what makes it even more special is that I happen ...
Is Gratitude Really That Important?
Have you ever had one of those mundane, ordinary days when everything is slow and predictable, and then, wham, something hits you out of nowhere?
I was going about my day, on schedule with my to-do’s and appointments, when I get a phone call from the nurse at my kids’ school.
Every parent knows that’s a call ...
Do You Feel Like A Stranger Too?
There have been many times when I’ve felt like a stranger living in a foreign country.
Oops. Wait. That’s probably because I was, in fact, a stranger living in a foreign country.
I remember my very first trip outside of India about 25 years ago. I was headed for grad school in the US. I had never ...
Where Do You Find Your Refreshment?
Checking into a hotel by myself can be a somewhat unnerving experience for me. Having been a stay-at-home mom for almost 16 years, I’ve never really taken business trips alone. And while we’ve stayed at hotels multiple times as a family, solo trips have never really been part of my life.
But a few years ago, ...
What Are You Wearing?
In the late 19th century, two nuns from Belgium set sail for India. They landed on the shores of the coastal hamlet of Mulagumoodu in the south of the country. The two Catholic missionaries had traveled across the world to care for the orphan girls in the little town. But they also taught the girls at ...
3 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed
Okay, I get it. The absolute last thing you need when you’re overwhelmed is another list telling you what to do. You’re already drowning in an ocean of relentless demands. You would rather not have Christianese slammed at you when all you want to do is curl under the comforter and hibernate for an embarrassingly ...
The Fellowship Of The Flawed
When we moved back to India from the US eight years ago, finding the right church was high on our priority list. Along with a hunger for God's Word, my husband and I sensed a deep hunger for community. After living abroad for over a decade, we were back home. And we longed for the ...
A Letter To My Husband On Our 18th Anniversary
Dear hubbers,
You’re not one for “open” letters—you’re too logical to comprehend why a letter to you would be launched in the public domain. You’re right—there is no reasonable explanation. But humor me this time, would ya? (You’ve had excellent training in that regard for the last 18 years. If I do say so myself.)
Since we’re ...