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in Jesus
Finding Purpose in the “Whatever”
I walk into the bedroom and am greeted by an unmade bed. I’ve just returned from dropping the kids off at school, after giving them breakfast and packing the husband’s lunch dabba.
I take a deep breath, swallow my irritation, and proceed to make the bed.
Inside my head, though, a monologue begins: “365 times. That’s how many ...
Can I Push Through?
Can I Push Through?
Can I push through the pain?
Discard the rejection?
Turn from self-pity?
Tell fear it doesn’t win?
Can I be like the woman?
Broken, bleeding—yet hopeful,
Twelve years an outcast,
Asking, “God, is this Your will?”
Can I push past the people?
Weave through the crowds?
Ignore the rude glances?
Seek help ‘coz I’m not too proud?
She came from behind Jesus,
Not wanting to ...
The “Secret Place” Is Wider Than We Assume
I’ve run into the phrase, “the secret place” being used in Christian circles. While I love that expression, I couldn’t help but think of it as a re-articulation of the well-worn term, “quiet time.” Perhaps, back in the day, “quiet time,” was considered a contemporary way of saying “Bible reading and prayer time.” Maybe it’s ...
We Are Called To Grow In This
Sometimes I use this blog space as a personal confessional.
This is one of those times.
Let me tell you the not-so-pretty details of my story.
The hubbers and I went on a lunch date on a weekday as he had a day off work. We went to a nice outdoor restaurant without too many frills. He ordered ...
What Are You Looking For?
A 31-year-old treasure hunt has just come to an end. Evidently, the hunt, which took place in France and was called “On the Trail of the Golden Owl,” was based on a book of riddles published in 1993. Participants were required to solve 11 puzzles from the book and the 12th one that was hidden.
CNN ...
We’re To Do This “Above All Else”
If you were to walk into my apartment building, you’d probably be stopped at the entrance. A security guard would check your “gate pass”—a notification on an app that deems you’re pre-approved to enter the building. If you don’t have the gate pass, the security guy will take your name and the apartment number you ...
Marriage Ain’t About You
A couple of days ago, my husband and I celebrated our 19th anniversary in a rather “special” way. I use inverted commas around the word ‘special’ to convey semi-sarcasm.
We’ve always done something special (no inverted commas) for our anniversary. Even when the kids were screeching, red-faced hatchlings, thanks to indulgent grandparents offering to babysit, we ...
Your Plans May Crumble, But…
Have you ever had one of those weeks where absolutely nothing goes according to plan? If you’re a living, breathing human, there’s a high likelihood that your schedule has been fed through the shredder on multiple occasions.
As I write this little blog post, I’m sitting under the canopy of a magnificent Banyan tree about four ...
Where Are You Looking?
Have you heard of a syndrome called Text Neck? It’s a real thing. If we’re being honest, though, it’s not exactly a surprising thing. Chances are, you’ve already guessed what “Text Neck” syndrome is.
Here’s how one website breaks it down: “Text neck (or tech neck) is a syndrome that happens after a repeated amount of ...