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in moving to India

What Lurks Within (+ Shameless Marketing Drive)

The contents of a woman's purse - a black hole, an impenetrable mystery to man. Very few actually know what lurks in the deep, dark crevices of their handbags. Even fewer want to find out. But, today, I plan to reveal the contents of my handbag to the world. Fine, if I had to be literal: to ...

Installing India – Phase 1

  It's been two months since we've moved back to India. And life has been very different. (I've heard that's what happens when you move across the globe). Start with routine things like, taking a shower. In the US that meant: taking a shower. Here, things get a little more complicated! Let's take this evening, for instance. The kids needed to ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…