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in parenting

When Your Kids Call You Out

If there’s anyone who “tells it like it is” it’s our kids. They don't mince words when they speak. They don’t sugarcoat things so it sounds politically correct or palatable. They don’t hide behind nice-isms and platitudes. And, often, their honest words are exactly what we need to hear. Let’s take a sample of some of the comments ...

A Letter To My Son On His 13th Birthday

Hey kid, It’s HERE! The “dreaded” teen years are upon us. Netflix shows and blog posts warn us nervous mamas that this phase will involve slammed doors, eye rolls, a vapid disinterest in all things family, and words that range from fluent sarcasm to pure venom. But somehow—call me naïve—I don’t think it’s going to play out ...

Raise Your Kids So They’re Not Self-Reliant

Did you do a double-take when you read the title of this article? I wouldn’t blame you. It’s an odd title. It unhinges some of our core beliefs about how to raise our kids. After all, how can it be wrong to teach our kids to stand on their own feet? As a mom of two middle schoolers, ...

Parenting Prayers for the New Year

Browsing through some of the posts I’ve cobbled together over the last few years and I came across one called “Parenting Prayers for the New Year.” It was the 2015 edition. Since then so much has changed. At that point, Sonny Boy didn’t know how to tie his shoelaces. He’s almost 12 now – he knows ...

This Middle Part of Childhood is Just as Good

Hey kids, I love where you’re at right now. Like, right this moment. No, it’s not because both of you are tucked in bed, the sweetness of sleep wrapping you up like a down comforter. It just quietly dawned on me that this stage in your lives is incredibly fun. In a few months, one of you will ...

Teaching Your Child To Embrace The Ordinary

A few days ago, I asked my 10-year-old son what would make him infinitely happy. His response melted my heart. “A pencil. A pencil and a paper,” he said after a moment of thought. My little guy loves losing himself in the world of art. He spends his evenings sketching minions and gnomes and Godzilla and ...

A Letter to My 9-Year-Old Son

Hey kid, We’re at the halfway point. In another nine years, you’ll be an adult. I have no idea how we got here. And, – I don’t mean to scare you – but we really have no clue how we’ll raise you in the next nine either. When you made your pink, wrinkly, wailing arrival into our world, your ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…