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in parents
Good Moms Yell Too?
Here’s a dark and somewhat dirty secret . . .
Moms yell.
We do
It’s not something we talk about often.
It’s not something we choose to display on social media.
It’s not something we want on our parenting resumes.
It remains tucked away because there’s shame attached to it. After all, other moms don’t raise their voices and completely lose it with ...
An Old-Timey Love Story
It was back in 1974 when they tied the knot. Well, to be specific: February 14th, 1974.
Yup, Valentine’s Day.
But the two of them were entirely oblivious of the fact. Completely clueless about Cupid and his antics.
In their defense, the Hallmark-holiday concept hadn’t quite made its way to India back then.
She, a Kindergarten teacher, all of ...
We Can’t Look The Other Way
He had his in hands in his pockets.
That usually signifies the casual, the nonchalant, the carefree.
That doesn’t usually signify hate, crime, or murder.
And yet while the police officer pinned George Floyd down with his knee bearing down on his neck, he casually put his hands in his pockets. Like he was taking a stroll. Like ...