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in prayer
3 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed
Okay, I get it. The absolute last thing you need when you’re overwhelmed is another list telling you what to do. You’re already drowning in an ocean of relentless demands. You would rather not have Christianese slammed at you when all you want to do is curl under the comforter and hibernate for an embarrassingly ...
What Does Stewarding Our Bodies Actually Mean?
Have you ever looked at an old picture of yourself and thought, “Holy guacamole! Why in the world did I think I was heavy back then?”
Maybe you didn't specifically mention guacamole and/or any dips. And maybe it wasn’t a comment about your weight. But, I’m guessing many of us have looked at pictures from a ...
The Fellowship Of The Flawed
When we moved back to India from the US eight years ago, finding the right church was high on our priority list. Along with a hunger for God's Word, my husband and I sensed a deep hunger for community. After living abroad for over a decade, we were back home. And we longed for the ...
“Keep Your Courage…”
Remember that rhyme, “Row, row, row your boat”? Evidently, we can sail ever so "gently down the stream" because after all “life is but a dream.”
I’m not sure who penned that rhyme or what kind of “happy” state of mind they were in when they wrote it, but turns out that life is anything but ...
When Your Best-Laid Plans Crumble
The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind. The kind of whirlwind that yanks plans out of your hands and rips it into a 3000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
My mom had been scheduled for a knee-replacement surgery. The timing of the procedure had been planned precisely: it would be a week after my husband returned from ...
Words May Fail, But He Never Will
Sometimes the days are overwhelming,
It’s too dark to see God’s face,
Sometimes my heart forgets to sing,
My days too choked to remember His grace.
But today He reminds me,
That He is never far away
He sees me through the darkness;
Even in times I can’t really pray.
His Spirit intercedes with groans
when I have no words to speak,
He supplies His ...
When Your Life Feels “Too Small”
Have you ever been encouraged to “dream big?” Have you been told that you “have what it takes” to make an impact? Have you been cheered on with the message that you can “be anything” you want to be?
Maybe there was some Christianese attached to those statements. Perhaps you were spurred on to dream “God-sized ...
This Aspect of Prayer May Be Surprising
Imagine a situation where you’re entirely out of food at home. That scenario is tough for me to conjure up because usually, my pantry topples over with towers of unnecessary snacks. But maybe you’ve come back from a long vacation and you had cleaned out the kitchen before you left. Of course, you’re not in ...
What If You Trusted God Like This?
The wind blew back my hair as I plunged down the waterfall. It was a steep drop, plummeting down thousands of feet. In that quick moment, I caught sight of a flash of purple— a flock of birds flew past me. Just when I thought I was done for, I swooped back up and glided ...