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in rest

Does This Mindset Distance You From God?

You don’t need to scroll social media for long before you hear this message on loop: “You deserve it.” Buy this irrationally expensive purse (that costs as much as a downpayment on a house) because you deserve it. Indulge in this decadent dessert (that you'll need to work off the rest of the week) because you deserve ...

What’s Your Default?

Ask my kids where they typically find me, and they’ll likely say, on the recliner couch in our family room. They would be right. (That comfy leather recliner is hands down one of the best purchases we’ve made.) Ask them what they’ll find me doing and they’ll probably say, scrolling on my phone (on the ...

The Three R’s of Parenting

You’ve probably heard of the three R’s of education: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Those three pillars form the foundation of academics for any student. But what about the three R’s which form the fundamentals of parenting? As a mama of two teens, I don’t claim to share these three R’s from a place of having “nailed ...

An Important Reminder This Thanksgiving + Advent Devotional

As I spoke to my bestie on the phone the other day, she said to me, “I’m already getting nervous just thinking about the season coming up.” Her worry sprang from an already bursting-at-the-seams schedule that was only going to get more cluttered during the holidays. I don’t think she’s alone in stressing about the Christmas ...

Marriage Ain’t About You

A couple of days ago, my husband and I celebrated our 19th anniversary in a rather “special” way. I use inverted commas around the word ‘special’ to convey semi-sarcasm. We’ve always done something special (no inverted commas) for our anniversary. Even when the kids were screeching, red-faced hatchlings, thanks to indulgent grandparents offering to babysit, we ...

Where Are You Looking?

Have you heard of a syndrome called Text Neck? It’s a real thing. If we’re being honest, though, it’s not exactly a surprising thing. Chances are, you’ve already guessed what “Text Neck” syndrome is. Here’s how one website breaks it down: “Text neck (or tech neck) is a syndrome that happens after a repeated amount of ...

A Cancelled Vacation Showed Me What Love is Not

As we compared our kids’ school calendar with my husband’s work schedule, one thing became painfully evident: we wouldn’t be able to take a family vacation for the next few months. I could feel irritation (bordering on anger) rise inside me. “Are you absolutely sure you can’t take a break?” I asked my husband, my voice whiny ...

Why Risking Vulnerability is Worth It

A couple of weeks ago, I had the joy of attending my college reunion. It has been 25 years since we, the class of ’99, graduated from our programs. We were thrilled to see each other again. There were warm hugs, choruses of “hiiiii’s,” high-pitched screeches of excitement, and giggles like we were back in ...

The Answer To Exhaustion Is Not This

A couple of days ago, I read about one of the world’s strangest contests: The 10th Annual “Space Out” Competition held in South Korea. Contestants who enter the “arena” are required to “zone out” for 90 minutes. Essentially, they need to prove they are the best at doing…wait for it… absolutely nothing. That includes no chatting, no ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…