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in Scripture
Do Your New Year Goals Reflect This?
Scroll through social media in the first week of January and you’re likely to be treated to a charcuterie board of every kind of New Year goal and resolution.
Here’s a little peek of what’s on my Instagram feed:
Workout more. (If you're a woman over 40, they say you should chalk up 10K steps a day ...
What If You Trusted God Like This?
The wind blew back my hair as I plunged down the waterfall. It was a steep drop, plummeting down thousands of feet. In that quick moment, I caught sight of a flash of purple— a flock of birds flew past me. Just when I thought I was done for, I swooped back up and glided ...
Help! I Want To Have Consistent Quiet Times!
A year or so ago I decided to give intermittent fasting a trial run. If you’re familiar with the practice, I attempted the 16/8 model where I planned to abstain from food for 16 hours and follow it up with an 8-hour eating window. I know thousands of people across the world have had dazzling ...
Journeying with Jesus – A Lent Devotional
As I write this post in the last week of February, Russia has invaded Ukraine. Just this morning, the first reports of tanks rolling into Ukraine hit my screen.
It feels surreal — how could this be happening, we ask ourselves. It feels heavy — a weight settles on our hearts when we see the brave ...
Are You Struggling to Read The Word? (Part 2 – Five Practical Tips)
The word jumped out at me from Isaiah 55 as I read the Bible late one night.
I’d rushed through a jump-from-one-activity-to-another kind of day. (I was about to add, “like a headless chicken,” but that image is particularly gruesome, so let’s just say I 'fluttered' around). I’d postponed my time alone with God and I’d ...
Are You Struggling to Read the Word? Part 1
The other day, a reader asked me about how I managed to stay passionate about the Word of God and focus on Scripture.
It got me thinking because while reading the Word is part of my daily rhythm now, it hasn’t always been the case.
There have been long seasons where dust gathered on my Bible and ...
Is Attractiveness Essential For Marriage?
“Does the woman need to make sure she stays attractive so her husband stays faithful?”
The question was posed to me a few years ago by a woman in her late 20’s.
We were talking about marriage and, in the course of conversation, this popped up.
It surprised me because the question came from a poised Christian woman ...