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in truth
When You Feel Like Crawling Into A Hole
The other day, I was invited to share from the Word with a small group. They were an unassuming, unthreatening bunch of folk. My material was prepped and ready to go. In fact, I had presented the same content twice before to other groups. Plus, I was speaking from Scripture to a group of Christians, ...
What’s So Amazing About Guilt?
Guilt has a bad rap. For obvious reasons.
It dredges up memories we would rather forget and swirls up emotions we would rather ignore. No one wants to feel guilty. Or, as we like to say, no one wants to go on a “guilt trip.”
Guilt “trips” are not fun little vacations. They usually make us want ...
Are We Finding Our Own “Fixes”?
A few years ago, the hubbers and I celebrated our tenth anniversary with a trip to Sri Lanka. The package included a stay at a hotel on the beach, two buffet meals at the in-house restaurant, and a car with a driver who doubled as our tour guide for the duration of our stay there ...
When it’s Time to Quit Jumping to Conclusions
Have you ever jumped to a conclusion only to feel red-faced and kind of foolish later?
Yeah, me too.
Usually, the conclusions I jump to are not the happy kind. They make me panicky. They make me reach for more chocolate than I should. They make me hound my husband with “Babe, I feel miserable” conversations. I’m ...
Looking Afresh At An Old Story
Maybe you’ve played an angel or a shepherd, or, if you were one of the “chosen few,” you’ve pulled off a smiling Mary holding a swaddled doll. The Sunday School re-enactment of the Nativity is a part of every Christian kid’s growing rites.
Over the years, we’ve read – and re-read – the passages from the ...