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in woman of God
A Letter To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday
Hey baby girl,
Yeah, I know you’re not a baby anymore, but this growing-up thing is pretty overwhelming for me as your mama. I know it is for you too. But you’re handling it with more grace and maturity than I ever could.
Thank you for being my second-born, my only girl, my couture consultant, my mini-me ...
Why Focussing On Sin Is Not The Answer
Here’s a 'popular' topic to delve into. One that is sure to win me some views and possibly go viral. A subject that won't ever make people roll their eyes. A discussion that folks typically consider deeply relevant to their lives.
The topic that we’re jumping into? That would be: sin.
Forgive me for the tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. ...
Gentle Spirit, Fierce Faith
She came from a small village in Kerala. So small that it didn’t even have a train station. That was where my great aunt grew up in the 1930’s, the youngest of six children, among paddy fields and coconut trees, in a modest house with a tiled roof and a well outside.
Today, Saramma is a ...