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in work
How Do I Walk In the Good Works God Has Prepared???
When the alarm rings at 6:10 am (yes, 6:10 am, not 6 am, because those extra ten minutes of sleep seem sweetly satisfying), I roll out of bed. When I’ve got it together, I get on my knees and say a quick prayer. After that, it’s go-go-go time. My morning routine is rushed, as I’m ...
You Are Not What You Do
Watch any online motivational video and, soon enough, you’ll hear one focal message: pursue your goals. We are told to dream big. We are persuaded that we can make that audacious dream a reality. We are convinced that our fulfillment and our identity lie wrapped up in that achievement. We are egged on to “make ...
Whatever You Do…
I walk into the bedroom and am greeted by an unmade bed. I’ve just returned from dropping the kids off at school, after giving them breakfast and packing the husband’s lunch dabba.
I take a deep breath, swallow my irritation and proceed to make the bed.
Inside my head, though, a monologue begins: “365 times. That’s how many ...