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in YouVersion

You’ve Got Talent – YouVersion Bible Plan

Happy New Year, friends! First off, a big, big thank you for your support and encouragement in the last year. Your emails and the comments you've shared have bolstered me on days where I felt like my words didn't matter. Thank you for showing me that they do - only because they are words God put ...

Making Space – A 25-Day Advent Devotional

Scroll through your social media feed and you’ll notice people pulling out Christmas decorations way earlier than they normally would. If you’re someone who has been hanging up stockings while the smell of summer BBQs still lingers in the air, then I say, more power to you, friend. It’s been quite the year. And if you ...

Tackling Disappointment – YouVersion Bible Plan

We’ve all been there. The closed door. The broken relationship. The rejection. The loss. None of us are immune to disappointment. But we don’t have to dwell in it. In this Bible Plan we’ll look at truths from Scripture that will help us deal with disappointment and walk in the fullness of life that Jesus ...

Do You Phub God?

When it comes to organizing my life, I am decidedly (and frustratingly) old school. My husband has (almost) given up convincing me that Google calendars are the way to go. I usually give digital diaries a non-committal shot for a week or two and then revert to my trusty spiral-ring planner. When it comes to spending ...

While You Wait

Fifteen years ago, while I was a single woman waiting for my forever man, I prayed this rather ridonculous prayer: "Father, I want you to be the cake and for my future husband to be the frosting." I wrote this not-really-Biblical prayer in my journal a few months before I met my dashing dude. Thankfully, God answered ...

Motherhood: The Freedom of Not Being Enough

Women, particularly moms, are increasingly being told that we are “enough.” Best-selling books, popular blogs and even sermons constantly repeat the “You are enough” mantra. But does that phrase help grow our dependence on God? Is it even true? This Bible Plan counters that we are not enough, and challenges us to lean on the ...

Finding Rest In A Busy World

There’s no getting around the fact that we live in an always-spinning world. We yearn for quietness in our souls – but, often, that deep rest seems out of our reach. Or is it? In the next few days, let’s spend a few minutes peeking into the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany. Two ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…