Susan Narjala
Keeping it Real

When You’re Feeling “Shut In”
Five years ago, Covid-19 brought the world to a halt. As I scrolled through articles marking its fifth anniversary, I was reminded of the devastation the virus wreaked.
One of the hardest things we experienced as humanity was being “shut in.” We were all forced to be contained in our little bubbles. It’s sometimes hard to recall that a few short years ago, we couldn’t even hug our friends and loved ones. Living behind closed doors brought unimaginable pain to many families.
But then we moved on. We lived through the pain, the fear, and the uncertainty and, while we didn’t come out unscathed, we reestablished our rhythms.
Yet, some of us still feel “shut in.” We feel like our space is too small, our assignments are too insignificant, our boundaries are too limited, our impact too narrow. We grow frustrated that we don’t have opportunities to “step out of the boat.”
And we ask God, “Why? Why am I still shut in? When is my breakthrough coming?”
When we read the story of Noah and the ark in Genesis, we imagine the animals going in two-by-two, and the man of the hour and his family walking up the long ramp to the boat. And then we hear a thud.
Scripture says: “And the Lord shut him in.” (Genesis 7:16b)
The Lord knew it was time for Noah’s family and all those birds, animals, and reptiles to be confined to the ark because the downpour was imminent.
Friend, if you’re feeling “stuck” in life, like you “should” have accomplished “more” by now, know this: God sometimes shuts us in to protect us, to teach us, to shape us, to grow us.
He is not closing that door on a whim.
Could it be that, by shutting you in, God is training you to be still and seek His face in the secret place?
Could it be that, He is keeping you away from the harsh glare of the spotlight that could scorch your soul?
Could it be that, He is growing the fruit of love and patience as you live in close quarters with others who get under your skin?
Could it be that, He is teaching you to fear Him and not the storms and the lashing rain as He is in control of it all?
Could it be that, He is coaching you in contentment even when you thought your calling was vastly different?
Could it be that, He is preparing you in that quiet, dark, possibly smelly place before He launches you into new terrain?
Without a doubt, when it comes to challenging ourselves beyond the comfortable, we are called to step out of the boat.
But, more often than we think, God tells us to stay put on the boat, so He can shape us.
As Christians, we have been taught to walk on water with Jesus. To take the risk. To brave the storm. And, yes, there’s undoubtedly a season for that. But there are times God asks us to wait within the confines He has lovingly prescribed for us, to rest in the shadow of the Almighty, to sit in silence when we are yearning to step out.
May we not waste our seasons of being shut in. It’s often in extended periods in the secret place that God has the greatest opportunity to mold us.
He is both the God who invites us to step out of the boat and the God who asks us to stay in the ark.
Bringing it Home
Is God calling you to step out of the boat or are you merely discontent with your current circumstances?
What is one thing you can do to make the most of your season of “shut in?”
What is God training you in your time of waiting?
Lean In
Heavenly Father, I confess that I have not learned contentment where you have placed me right now. Help me, Father, to replace my complaints with praise that even in the seemingly confined places of my life, Jesus is with me. You are training me and shaping me through the not-yet times of my life. I’m thankful for these “shut in” seasons where I learn that in repentance and rest is my salvation, in quietness and trust is my strength. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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Tierra Swain
Thanks for the reminder that God has not forgotten about me. I know my time will come when he says I’m ready.
Susan Narjala
Amen! He cannot forget us. Blessings, Susan
Wow, what a powerful and anointed word from God! Thanks, Susan, for availing yourself to be His vessel.
Susan Narjala
Praise God, Elvera! Thank you for your kind words. Blessings, Susan
Paul Davies
Well said Susan! It was refreshing for me to stop and consider God how is in still control and desires a deeper intimacy with me through the ‘shut-in’ times.
God Bless You
Susan Narjala
Thank you for sharing that, Paul. God bless you as you seek to walk closer to Him. Blessings, Susan
Susan, thank you for writing this beautiful piece. It’s deeply encouraging to my season of being “shut in”, and now God gently directing me to step out!
I enjoy a lot of other articles you write.
God bless many through you.
Susan Narjala
Thank you, Nayantara. There was a real God-nudge to write this post. I’m so glad it spoke to you. Blessings, Susan
Love this.
Susan Narjala
Thank you, Shreya! Blessings, Susan