Susan Narjala
Keeping it Real

When You’re Running On Empty
His shoulders slumped as he sized up the empty baskets. He had pulled an all-nighter but there was nothing to show for it. He would go home empty-handed. His wife wouldn’t ask him any questions because she would notice the disappointment in his eyes. She wasn’t the kind to complain or point fingers. Instead, she would quietly whip up something “creative” for dinner.
“Creative” is a polite euphemism for meager, he thought wryly. How many ways can one make lentils? She could write a book on that.
He wanted to do better. He had to do better. He found himself twisting the fishing net in frustration.
He watched as the Teacher wrapped up His sermon.
“I’m glad this boat is useful to someone,” he thought as the Teacher preached, using the deck as His makeshift platform. The crowds couldn’t get enough of His teachings. But when they finally dispersed, the Teacher came to him.
“Simon, push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch.”
Didn’t the Teacher notice the nets that still glistened from last night’s failed mission?
Simon wanted to launch into a litany of complaints. This was the third time in two weeks that he had caught nothing. He wanted to remind the Carpenter that He probably knew nothing about fishing. This was not going to work. But he managed to hold back the barrage of words. Instead, he said: “Master, we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I’ll let out the nets.”
Zero expectation equals zero disappointment, he thought, casually casting the net into the water. But when he tugged at the net, it was literally bursting at the seams.
He summoned the boat nearby and both vessels were filled with the largest haul he had seen in his life.
But this was no longer about fish. It was no longer about dinners, creative or otherwise.
This was about Him.
Simon sloshed down in the water on the deck, fish all around him. This smelly deck wasn’t the most sacred of places. But it became a place of worship.
Jesus smiled at Simon, “There is nothing to fear. From now on you’ll be fishing for men.”
Simon knew there was no turning back. It was no longer about making a living. It was about living for Him.
Father God, Even as I encounter disappointment, as I come up empty time and again, as I long for a breakthrough, I know that You see me. You see my slumped shoulders and the tiredness in my eyes. It comforts me that nothing escapes Your attention.
Lord, help me trust Your character, Your ways, and Your timing. You are the God who provides in the most unexpected ways at the perfect time.
And when You do, it is no longer about the answer to my prayers. It is about You, Your Kingdom, and Your purposes.
Today I bring my disappointments to Your throne of grace. I pray that I would fully surrender to Your purpose of building Your kingdom in and through me.
In Jesus’ name. Amen
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Sister Susan you are a great blessing to me and family.God. Bless.Susan
Susan Narjala
Thank you, Stephen. I appreciate your kind words. Blessings, Susan
A friend sent this to me as I’m in the middle of my father’s cancer diagnosis. The prayer is heartfelt and definitely needed at this time.
Thank you.
Susan Narjala
That’s incredibly tough, Tiffany. Thank you for sharing. My prayers are with you and your family at this time. Blessings, Susan
Amen ❤️
Susan Narjala
Thanks, Sara 🙂
Reethu Joseph
Thank you for that beautiful prayer and the reminder, Susan! The Lord knows and sees and this post is proof! Thank you so much, lotsa love!
Susan Narjala
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Reethu. I too needed that reminder that He knows and sees! God bless. Susan